Saturday, March 21, 2009
Frame Shaving
New Fender
This fender is from Bare Knuckle Choppers and is spun in 2 halves out of 13 ga steel. This thing will be able to handle railing down the highway at 100+mph over the shitbrickle Michigan roads. The 2 spun halves look big steel frisbees. The 'frisbees' are cut in half and welded up to make the fender you see here. The quality of the spun frisbee dictates the tangent, or non tangent nature of the intersection of the 2 halves. Ideally on this style of fender you would like the cross section to look like 1 continuous radius. The stickers look random on there, that is because it was shipped as is from St Louis to me. Dude, Paul, put these things in a box for customers.
Metal Pounding Practice 3
Enougn ranting, check out Dad's 67 Olds Cutlass in the one pic. Gold paint with black interior. A bitchin bench seat and a steering the same dia as a garbage can lid. It is chill car for cruising and they definitely don't make them like this anymore. The only thing that I would do is bag it, with some fatter tires. He got it for cheap, it is a really solid car, and he had the same model back when he a teenageer, which adds to the cool factor.
More Metal Pounding Practice
Friday, March 20, 2009
Metal Pounding Practice
I bought a new planishing hammer and I set it up over at T-Funks (Terry Friar) house. We pounded random dished shapes with the teardrop hammer and shot bag. Then tried to see what we could do to smooth them out and add shape with the planishing hammer. Adjustments of air pressure, height and anvil radii where in order. But the results make me happy.
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